Friday, June 24, 2011

Our meeting with the Realtor

Yesterday we met with the realtor that I found online. I really, REALLY like her. Dr. Stacy-Ann Baugh is a nice, knowledgeable realtor who made me feel so comfortable. She gave us the truth about our situation. I really like that she knows her stuff. Our first realtor was a family member and for once I feel like we are working with someone who knows what they are doing. She's not looking for a sale but she really wants to help us achieve our dream...

Check out her blog

Stacey said that the first step would be to speak with a mortgage loan officer to see how much of a long we can get. Since we will most likely have to tag on our current mortgage with our new one. :-/ We "MIGHT" also need to rent out our place for at least a year before the mortgage company would allow us to have two mortgages. The only issue with that is where would we live while we are renting out our place? Could we really stay with the in-laws for one year? yikes! lol

Another alternative would be to live in a studio apartment. We could possibly do that.

I am just glad that we are starting this process. I don't know if we should just stay where we are and just wait it out...or should we take a leap of faith on these new town homes. ALL I KNOW we are ready to expand our family AND our Condo is not the vision.

I need to pray and ask God. I've already inquired about this info to the realtor...but now I need to meet with the REAL realtor...Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, doesn't seem impossible. Thimgs just need to be tweaked a bit! I know if it is meant Jesus will help open doors if you do the work that it takes to make this happen. If not, you just have to see what will work best for you guys. A studio apt is not ideal, but 12 months will fly buy. Hopefully you can avoid all that and will be pre-approved and then can just start building! I know how bad you want this! Claim sis!
